Without a doubt keeping students
interested in learning English and paying attention can be sometimes a bit of a
challenge J hence, when opportunity arises that someone else can do the job I jump
to the occasion.
Such occasion came up last month when our
school was visited by a group of 25 or so students from Turkey. They were
divided into 3 smaller groups and attended each of the classes. Immediately, it
became obvious that the Czech students had a higher level of English than the
Turkish students and some students worried about “how will they communicate”
issue. I eagerly matched a Czech student with a Turkish student and asked them
to find out 10 things about each other. Of course, I got questions “but how
when they don’t know the words”… I smiled and said “Just try”.
Results: Fantastic! A bit of google
translator, a pen and paper and 45 minutes went by in a flash. The students got
their 10 facts and even managed to learn some Turkish words including some very
important school items like bir kalem
and kâğıt, or even otobüs, okul and their favorite ödev!
Thank you to our Turkish students for
having the courage to talk to us….
Great reason to use a phone in class - google translator (at least that is what they told me)
Who said learning can't be fun- smile!
Tomas is learning to pronounce Turkish words - should I add them to the next test? :-)
and a little bit of grammar....
Samual - determined to get the info....
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