Monday, August 17, 2015


Being American, the term “back to school” I immediately associate with yellow pencils and back to school sales in every shop, not to mention the piles and piles of school supplies at the front of each store. From my early childhood days, I vividly remember the excitement of buying new clothes or crayons and the counting of days …

Now, as a mother of two, the term back to school is no longer connected with pure joy and anticipation. Rather, this morning I held a list of things to buy, which was given to me by my son’s future 1st grade teacher. Yes, it was his first time shopping and catching the “back to school” fever. For me, it was an excruciating hour and a half of looking at one or two aisles filled with a endless selection of pencils, notebooks, book covers, pencil cases, and oh… let’s not forget the most important – the backpack.  (ok, so in all honestly I ordered that one thing way in advance – just to make sure we got the Star Wars one. J )

Then I got to thinking… as a little kid there is a zestful fever and eagerness for the approaching 1st day of school.  As a parent, without a doubt it’s one of the times when the fake smile covers up the anxious thoughts of things to do and prepare. So today, I did some research – what do teacher need for the “back to school”? After all, I am a teacher.

Surprisingly, the internet displayed a massive amount of articles ranging from “Survival Guides for Teachers”, “10 Things Every Teacher Needs for the First Day of Class”, “Check List- Get Ready for School” and the ”50 Things Every Teacher” needs. While browsing all those references telling me how many pencils I must have, and how to organize my class room I noticed that there is that one thing missing – one major fact that they forget to mention that we teachers must have.

Zeal for teaching.

We need that delight and cheer, the passion and yearning with a touch of frenzy and gaiety- all that is needed to pass on to those little ones who in a week’s time will be looking up at me. So, I think I am going to get a cup of coffee a big chocolate bar and say...

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